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Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I have been feeling so guilty lately for not studying my Bible like I should. Don't get me wrong...I love to study scripture. I have a great study Bible that has notes that are so interesting to me, and I'll find myself sitting for hours sometimes just checking all the cross-references! That is - when I have time! Don't judge me! I have to get up early every day for work and while those morning hours are the most quiet and practical times to do my Bible study, I just find myself wanting to snooze and get in more sleep.

So...I mentioned to Aaron the other day the idea of maybe getting the Bible on CD so that, in my 40 minute roundtrip commute everyday, I can at least use those minutes more efficiently. Much to my surprise he had ordered me the complete New Testament on CD to keep in my car and it was waiting for me when i got home today :)

Now...I know that I don't want this to be my only Bible study that I do all week. I still want to actually "read" my Bible but I am so excited to get in some time with Jesus on my way to work and I can't wait to see how it actually affects my attitude and my day with my 8th graders...

My husband is so great. He has proven to me again how much he listens when I talk about things that concern me and bother me. He is a great spiritual leader that I look up to and he helps me to want to be a better Christ-follower. I am so proud of him!

Oh and btw, he preached last Sunday at church...a great sermon on Evangelism. You can check it out at - media resources.

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