Stay tuned for:

Sunday, January 30, 2011

First baby bump picture...

Well here it is! The very first Smith baby bump photo...I was waiting until there was actually something to show but I can feel and see a bump now, so I figured it was that time. Don't you like my elastic waste band skirt? It's about the only thing that fits me now. Jeans are out. I'll be purchasing some kind of stretchy band to help me wear my dress pants to work, and lots of flowy dressed! 

Everyone of course asks how i'm feeling and I'm glad to say that I have mostly felt good since the beginning. I pass out every night between 8:30 and 9 and wake up at 5:30 about to starve! I eat when I'm hungry and try to make good, healthy decisions. I even let myself have those "cravings" every once in a while because let's face it: I'm not going to turn down ice cream, ever.

We go back to the Dr. this Wednesday, the 2nd. I am excited to see how much has changed. I know we probably won't get an ultrasound this time just because it's not a critical week to have one. However, we will be 13 weeks this time and I plan to ask if we can come back around 18 weeks next time and pray to find out boy or girl :) That would be around March 9th or 10th...right before Spring Break. I would be a happy girl :)

Well, until next time! 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What's in a name?

Ok, so I know we have a lottt of time to think about things, but as far as I'm concerned, I have found a baby name that I love! It popped up out of nowhere one day while I was searching and I kind of fell in love with it. I don't want to post about it yet, because there is still a major dilemma: I CAN'T GET AARON ON BOARD!

This has been the most frustrating part so far. We can't agree. The bad thing is: I've already imagined my child being named this name, it's sort of set in my heart anyway. So, pray that he sees the light!

I am 11 weeks tomorrow. AAAAAAAAHHHHH! It's starting to get so exciting and real. I go back to the Dr. on Feb. 2nd and can't wait to see what we find out then. Right now, the baby is about the size of a fig, I think. Bones are starting to harden and teeth buds are forming below the gums. He or she is already moving around, kicking arms and legs, but of course I can't feel it yet! I look forward to that day.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


My friend Cindy's blog gave me the idea to do a survey of fun questions about what's been happening so far in the world of "sitting on the nest" as my Dad would say. So here goes:

Is this your first pregnancy?: Yes
How did you find out you were pregnant?: I felt yucky around the time that I should've gotten my period in December so I decided to get a box of HPTs!
What kind of pregnancy test did you take?: The first 2 were HEB brand with separate indicator and control window. The lines were so faint that I decided to get another box of more expensive ones (who knows?) and do it the next morning. All 4 were positive :)
What were your first symptoms? Swollen/painful breasts, bloated, TIRED, and a bit of nausea here and there
Who did you tell first? My husband and our friends April and Jamin Carter :)
Who was with you when you found out? I took the tests alone. Aaron didn't even know I had bought them, but I went and got him and was like, "I need you to come look at something!"
Was baby planned?: Yes and no. We were not preventing, I should say.
When was baby conceived?: middle of November before Thanksgiving
How far were you when you found out?: 4.5 weeks
My baby:Due date: August 11, 2011
Do you want to know the sex?: Yes, it's too hard to plan without knowing. And, I'm a planner.
Any names?: Boy names we like: Grayson, Owen, Jaedon (Aaron's pick) Girl names we like: Olivia, Ryleigh
Any ultrasounds?: Yes at my first appt. It is amazing how you can already see arms and legs.
Have you heard the heartbeat?: No, but we saw it beating on the ultrasound.
Who do you think baby will look like? dark hair, hopefully Aaron's complexion
Will baby have any siblings?: Yes. I am waiting to see what parenthood is like before I decide how many :)
Have you and dad felt baby move? Not yet, too early!
Are you excited?: Very, not sure it's really set in yet
Did you have morning sickness?: Well, nausea at the smell of some foods. Heartburn after. No vomiting, yet!
Do you have any cravings?: bread, crackers, soda
Do you have any mood swings?: Yes. I am a very emotional person anyway, so you can imagine
Are you a high risk pregnancy?: No
Any complications?: Nope
Formula or breastfeeding? Good question. will try to breastfeed as long as I can!
Have you bought anything for baby yet?: No, but had my brother buy him/her a baby Carolina tee and rattle :)

Who will help with baby after their born? Aaron and I; MDO ladies at church
What is your favorite thing about being pregnant? the anticipation and most wonderful thing ever to look forward to!
What is the worst thing about being pregnant? So far the exhaustion and nausea feelings
What's one thing you miss doing since being pregnant? Having morning coffee
Any days you wish you weren't pregnant?: No, it's never THAT bad :)
Are you ready for baby? Not yet!
How far along are you now?: 9wks 6 days

Monday, January 10, 2011

First post from the 3 of us!

The word is mostly out...but in case you haven't heard, Aaron and I are expecting our first baby. I am about 9 1/2 weeks now...which makes baby's arrival date on or around August 11, 2011. Recently, I have started to get really excited at the thought of having a child - and seeing the best parts of Aaron and the best parts of me in another human being. Wonder what he/she will look like? If we'll ever agree on a name? Ahh...I know we have time, but the planner in me can't help but want things, well, planned out already!

Maybe you didn't catch that, but it's only recently that I'm getting excited. Up to this point, I have been mostly nervous and scared, thinking, "What did we do?" It's no secret - I am a person who likes my sleep. There aren't many nights that I make it past 10:00 (Aaron would say 9:00). :) And...with our recent move to La Vernia, TX to be student pastors here, we are the farthest from our families that we've ever been. That's a scary thought! No Help! Don't get me wrong, I fully expect for our church family to step in where they can to help us and be our "family" away from family. But, you know what I mean. Sometimes, and, I suspect, in this situation, it may not seem like an equal substitution.

Normally, I would let myself become worried by all these things floating around in my head (am I eating too many crackers?, getting enough protein/calcium/vitaminC/etc.? is it ok to have a littttle bit of caffeine when my head wants to explode?, yada yada yada.) But, I really have been trying to rest back on the power of prayer. I have to make myself, I won't lie. It's easier sometimes in human weakness to spend more time thinking and less time praying. But, I want God's plan for this baby, my life after baby, etc. My biggest prayer request right now, other than a healthy baby, is for God to show us a way that I can work from home. For all of you who know: I have a Master's degree to teach which is realllly what I want to do with my life. But, I would really enjoy the time to be at home just for the first year or 2 with my baby. And then go back to work. See, it all makes perfect sense to me, but what is God's plan? You can join me in asking Him, if you'd like :)

I guess that is enough for now. My intentions are to update regularly with new pictures of the "belly" as I continue to grow. I will do my best!