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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

It's Weigh-In Wednesday! Don't worry...I'm not going to ask for your weight, just your opinion! I really hope a lot of you weigh in on this topic because I'm so curious about what you all have read and think about it. So here goes...

Television for the little ones. It can be a great "mommy helper" to get the kiddos to sit nicely in one place for a little while so we can get something done. There are some studies, however, that show the negative effects of children watching TV. The claims are that the flashing lights and pictures of the tube can damage a child's brain in the natural aspects of play and imagination. Personally, my daughter LOVES Yo Gabba Gabba on NickJr. Her little face lights up when it comes on and it's really fun to see her so happy. It's also sometimes the only way that she will sit still while I get dinner ready, check e-mails, or just sit myself :) My questions is TV or no TV? How much TV? Is TV a privilege that children must earn? There's a couple in NC that introduced me to Accountable Kids which is basically a program where chores that children do earn them tickets which they can spend on things like TV and other privileges. Too much work?

I can't WAIT to hear what you moms think. Your opinions are honestly so important to me. Help me keep things positive, though, by refraining from bashing a perspective different than your own! No judgments or haters please!!


Amy said...

I would let my boys watch some tv when they were little. It was nice when I needed to get some things done, or just grab a few minutes to "decompress". Having children is both mentally and physically exhausting, so for me when it was time for Sesame Street, Barney, or Blues Clues we were on it. They did not spend the day in front of the tv, but it was a nice respite from the daily task's in mommy land.

Kim said...

We let aiden watch yo gabba gabba bc sometimes it's the only thing that will calm him down. We try to save it for when he is really fussy but personally I think that some tv time is ok for little ones. However, once aiden is older and can play outside I would like to have limited tv time. I just don't want him growing up playing video games and sitting inside in front of the tv all day. Just my personal opinion:)

Laura Padgitt said...

If Ethan had any interest in TV I would let him watch some. I think there are some great shows out there - Baby Einsteins being one of them and Mickey Mouse Club House, but he has absolutely no interest in TV at all! I'll be interested to read everyone's comments, because I know there will come a day when he will actually enjoy TV.

Laura said...

Aiva does watch TV (she's almost 5 now), but we are still really mindful of what she watches and how much she watches. She is a bit of a TV junkie, so we are especially careful not to let it run her little life. :) She mostly watches movies that we can watch as a family, and a few shows on Disney Channel. As for Millie, she just turned one, and has honestly watched one Sesame Street episode with her sister. She's a little mover and a shaker, and could care less. I think that a little "parent-sponsored" TV is ok, as long as you really do know what and how much is acceptable for your family.